
2. This feels like the last one for us
3. That is a very freeing feeling
4. I was born in Canada
5. I have dual citizenship
6. I played rugby in College
7. In college I ran 4 miles every day
8. I missed the rules on how to play rugby because I was...um....getting better "acquainted" with someone
9. I have a degree in psychology
10. I teach my kids sign language
11. I want to go back to school to learn Sign
12. And interior decorating
13. Someday I'd like to be a
doula14. I've never had an epidural
15. I'm very loud the last 10 minutes of labor
16. I fell in love with Kevin because he is funny
17. I do not enjoy housework
18. I LOVE gardening
19. My middle toes on both feet are crooked
20. I look up to a lot of people ( and no, I don't mean because I am short)
21. I'm training for a triathlon
22. I'm terrified of the swimming part
23. I am looking forward to when the triathlon is over
24. I am not very organized
25. I adore when my house miraculously becomes organized because someone helped me
26. I'm an artist
27. I don't do it enough
28. I love being creative
29. I've recently discovered that I enjoy writing
30. Thought about writing a book
31. My 5 year old is an engineer
32. My 3 year old is a comedian
33. My 1 year old is LOUD
34. It bugs me when people get annoyed by kids being kids (especially if they're mine)
35. I like family gatherings
36. We will have a birthday to celebrate every three months when the baby comes
37. I love Disneyland
38. Sometimes I cry when I talk about it
39. I only cry about it when I'm pregnant
40. Don't ask me to talk about Disneyland for a few months
41. My Dad is a convert to the Church
42. I love girls camp
43. Being a leader at girls camp is almost more fun
44. I do not like heights
45. I like to be helpful
46. If it's important to me, I'm going to talk to you about it
47. I am pretty open
48. I like reading to my kids
49. I like playing games with them too
50. I love colors
51. I dream about remodeling
52. I am a night owl
55. Mornings are not my friend
56. I really don't like grocery shopping
57. I prefer a light breakfast
58. I've apologized to someone for having mean thoughts about them
59. I no longer have mean thoughts about them
60. Kevin has been my best friend for 11 years
61. I met Kevin when he was on a date with my cousin
62. My cousin is very happy for us
63. I am very irresponsible with my time if I have a good book to read
64. I love rainy days
65. I love a good bargain
66. I enjoy painting a room
67. I don't enjoy the prep work
66. My favorite shows are on HGTV and The Food Network
67. I missed the finale to The Next Food Network star
68. Honestly, I was a little bit bummed by that
69. Don't worry, The Next Design Star Finale is this Sunday
70. I won't answer the phone if you call during the show
71. I have 3 cousins born the same year as me
77. We're called the 4 musketeers
78. We have a "reunion" on Jan 1st every year
79. My 10 year high school reunion is in a few weeks
80. I keep having dreams about people from High school that I haven't thought about for 10 years
81. I love the movie High School Musical 2
82. I get many answers to my prayers through my dreams
83. I LOVE a good, deep, conversation
84. I enjoy listening to people
85. I'm a people watcher
86. I notice people's eyes first
87. Then their clothes
88. Then hair
89. I spray painted a car camouflage on a date in high school
90. Most of my favorite friends are years older than me
91. My best girl friend is younger than me
92. I think it would be amazing to be a gourmet chef
93. I enjoy trying uncommon food
94. I'm not a very big steak fan
95. I really like fry sauce
96. I will eat WAY more than is necessary if I have something to dip it in
97. I like how eating healthy makes me feel
98. I don't like how expensive eating healthy is
99. I am not photogenic
100. I enjoying finding the perfect gift