Monday, January 3, 2011

A normal day

Whew. Today is nearly over.

It started out really well. That thing I was anxious for turned out pretty good.

But the second part of that thing made the rest of the day go REALLY slowly (sorry to be so cryptic. As soon as I get the go ahead I promise I'll let you all in). This second part is going to be very challenging but I'm determined.

To keep myself busy I got a lot done. All the laundry folded. It was a ton of laundry. It took most of the day.

Also, our dish washer died. It's pretty old so we aren't surprised, but it's not the best timing. In the mean time, we will be doing all of our dishes by hand. It reminds me of growing up so I don't really mind it. That, and the kids seem eager to help because it's still a novelty.

There is something about putting your hands in soapy water and washes dishes that is extremely calming to me.

The kids were pretty emotional today. That always happens when there is a major shift in our schedules such as going back to school.

I helped with Karaia's class and actually remembered to bring her birthday treat. Hooray for me! I TOTALLY forgot about going in December and she was SO sad.

"Mom, I waited for you ALL day. You could have come at any time. But you never came......" 

Doesn't that just break your heart?

To keep it in context, it was the same day as the Lion House party, which was one day before the baptism so it's not like I had forgotten her birthday....I had just forgotten there was yet another way to celebrate it.

Thankfully, her teacher rocks and smoothed things over for me and rescheduled.

After a great family night lesson on tithing, perfectly capped by Karaia's testimony, I decided to cut Beckham's super, super long hair. HE proceeded to throw a big fit. That kid hates hair cuts. He told me,

"I don't like hair cuts because then none of my classmate know who I am."

That's only because we let it grow SO long before we actually cut it that he really does look like a different person.

Maybe I need to add one more goal to the New Year: Cut Beckham's hair consistently so he doesn't have an identity crisis at school.


Chrissy said...

You know what's funny Em, I feel the exact same way. Who's going to want to read my boring day to day life stuff. But I think people do, when it's an honest window into the soul. Which I think you do very well. Plus you've got Beckham. A hair cut = identity crisis! That's priceless. :)

Oh yeah, and you've got the whole mysterious project thing going on to draw readers in...

Lawson Family said...

I want to see some "after" pictures just so I can recognize him in case the next time in town he recently had his hair cut!