One of my favorite traditions happens on the first day of every new year and it involves them. It started 11 years ago, by chance, not meaning to become a tradition, but in the desperation to find something fun to do on a usually boring day. We had so much fun, when it came time to ring in the new millennium we decided to do it together.
To bring in 2000 we headed to Disneyland, by ourselves, in all our 20 year wisdom. To this day, that trip is one of my most cherished memories. Thousands of people crammed into the park, fear of Y2K in the air, and 3 of my favorite girl friends who also happen to be family.
Since then, we have remained connected through marriages, births, degrees, moves, illness, losses, successes, and all the joy and sorrow that comes with life.
Sometimes our New Years day get together happens with our families in tow. Sometimes just the four of us. Sometimes it's planned weeks in advance. Sometimes thrown together at the last minute. The one guarantee is that Sarah, Chrissy, Catherine and I will pick up where we left off.
We are all unique and bring something different to the table. Maybe that's why we like it so much. It's never predictable and the conversation, while starting out innocent, often ends in unexpected places.
We are similar is a lot of ways too; Very strong, stubborn, passionate (although what we are passionate for differs), caring. The stubborn and the passion also lead to some interesting conversations!
I am so lucky to have these women in my life and such a wonderful tradition!
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