Monday, June 3, 2013

Almost there

One week left of school.

WE can do it!

I'm having a lot of fun with the launch of my new line, Personality, for Modern Yardage. My in-laws sewed something with each of the four colorways and it's been wonderful to have their help!

I find myself saying, "Hey! That looks like real fabric!" and "Oh, that's cute....wait, I designed that!"
I've been looking at these designs for so long now as computer files, that when they are in print I keep forgetting they are mine. Funny. 
I was short with the kids today. Lack of sleep. Extra things to do. Not enough hours in the day. I read all my friends blogs who are always making these great memories with their children. I need to be a lot better in this area. It's amazing how quickly the love I wake up feeling for them thins when the whining and disobedience begins. How does Heavenly Father do it?

I tried to start the day out with some scripture study and work on my Personal Progress, but I was having trouble with the log in and then real life started. I am just now remembering I never got back to it. Do you think I get an "A" for effort?

Beckham had his last regular season baseball game tonight. Playoffs start tomorrow.

Today was Sanders' last day of preschool. They had a water party. He must have had fun because he came home and didn't take a breath during his 20 minute recount of the afternoon.

I feel like I am super behind on my business web site. I know how to make a site successful, but it takes a lot of time. I'm just not sure I want to spend that time, but then I think I am missing out on this great opportunity.

But my young family is a better opportunity and that is just the way I like it.

1 comment:

April Weeks said...

You have a life full of good, better and best choices eh? But happily life is a marathon not a sprint. I heard a saying that a mother should be a light not a siren. Think of the reaction you get when you hear a siren verses the feelings that occur when light is introduced in the darkness. Something to think about. Love you to the moon.