Friday, October 30, 2009


He's almost home. Almost.

Kev's been gone for a week in D.C. for work. At this point things of this nature are old news around here. Still, the last day is always a struggle for me.

This week has gone very smoothly. There have been very few tears from either me or the kids. That is saying something. We've canned apples sauce, I was able to help at Karaia's school Halloween party, and all in all we've done well.

I had grand plans for today. I wanted to finish two projects I've been working on and finish the last of the laundry. Well, the laundry got started, but has yet to be switched and the only 3/4 full basket sits untouched as well.

As for the projects......I am just too tired. This happens every time. The Wall.

We as women, and especially, moms are amazing creatures capable of amazing feats that defy most reason. We can work without getting tired if that is what the situation calls for. We can be patient beyond what we thought our capabilities if that is what is for the best. But sooner or later we hit a mental and physical wall. For me that comes when I know the end of this Mommy-hood triathlon, consisting of the morning shift, the lunch shift, and the night shift, is nearing and it will soon become a relay race in which I am partnered with my favorite guy.

I told the kids at dinner tonight that I was extremly tired and it was in everyone's best interest that they remembered their manners to which Karaia commented, "Mom, you've been "extreamley tired EVERY night!" I explained to her it is because I am used to having more than one adult around and that they had been having trouble getting along today (Karaia didn't have any school) and fighting kids is hard on a mom. I'm not sure she was convinced that was the reason.

So all day today, the clock ticked as slow as I have ever seen it and things still remained undone. I just couldn't hurdle The Wall. I sat really close to it and committed that any second now I was going to find a new burst of strength and rejuvenation and tear right over it. Nope. Never happened.

Ah well. He's almost home.


Chrissy said...

Hey, I know that Wall. I think I was camped out a little further down from you. Glad your partner will be home soon to help spell you off.

Emily said...

Oh Em,

Thank you for voicing my sentiments. I so know this day. Glad help is on the way - have a fantastic Halloween!

Skye O. said...

You said it perfectly. I am feeling the same way, except Matt will be gone for another week...(two before this one), and he'll be home a weekend, then off again for four more weeks. I'M HITTING MANY WALLS! On to another day. trick or treating by myself just doesn't sound appealing, but i'll try to put that smile back on my face. :)

Tobi said...

You amaze me. I think I would hit the wall on day 2 and things would all be downhill from there.

Happy Halloween!