2. This feels like the last one for us
3. That is a very freeing feeling
4. I was born in Canada
5. I have dual citizenship
6. I played rugby in College
7. In college I ran 4 miles every day
8. I missed the rules on how to play rugby because I was...um....getting better "acquainted" with someone
9. I have a degree in psychology
10. I teach my kids sign language
11. I want to go back to school to learn Sign
12. And interior decorating
13. Someday I'd like to be a doula
14. I've never had an epidural
15. I'm very loud the last 10 minutes of labor
16. I fell in love with Kevin because he is funny
17. I do not enjoy housework
18. I LOVE gardening
19. My middle toes on both feet are crooked
20. I look up to a lot of people ( and no, I don't mean because I am short)
21. I'm training for a triathlon
22. I'm terrified of the swimming part
23. I am looking forward to when the triathlon is over
24. I am not very organized
25. I adore when my house miraculously becomes organized because someone helped me
26. I'm an artist
27. I don't do it enough
28. I love being creative
29. I've recently discovered that I enjoy writing
30. Thought about writing a book
31. My 5 year old is an engineer
32. My 3 year old is a comedian
33. My 1 year old is LOUD
34. It bugs me when people get annoyed by kids being kids (especially if they're mine)
35. I like family gatherings
36. We will have a birthday to celebrate every three months when the baby comes
37. I love Disneyland
38. Sometimes I cry when I talk about it
39. I only cry about it when I'm pregnant
40. Don't ask me to talk about Disneyland for a few months
41. My Dad is a convert to the Church
42. I love girls camp
43. Being a leader at girls camp is almost more fun
44. I do not like heights
45. I like to be helpful
46. If it's important to me, I'm going to talk to you about it
47. I am pretty open
48. I like reading to my kids
49. I like playing games with them too
50. I love colors
51. I dream about remodeling
52. I am a night owl
55. Mornings are not my friend
56. I really don't like grocery shopping
57. I prefer a light breakfast
58. I've apologized to someone for having mean thoughts about them
59. I no longer have mean thoughts about them
60. Kevin has been my best friend for 11 years
61. I met Kevin when he was on a date with my cousin
62. My cousin is very happy for us
63. I am very irresponsible with my time if I have a good book to read
64. I love rainy days
65. I love a good bargain
66. I enjoy painting a room
67. I don't enjoy the prep work
66. My favorite shows are on HGTV and The Food Network
67. I missed the finale to The Next Food Network star
68. Honestly, I was a little bit bummed by that
69. Don't worry, The Next Design Star Finale is this Sunday
70. I won't answer the phone if you call during the show
71. I have 3 cousins born the same year as me
77. We're called the 4 musketeers
78. We have a "reunion" on Jan 1st every year
79. My 10 year high school reunion is in a few weeks
80. I keep having dreams about people from High school that I haven't thought about for 10 years
81. I love the movie High School Musical 2
82. I get many answers to my prayers through my dreams
83. I LOVE a good, deep, conversation
84. I enjoy listening to people
85. I'm a people watcher
86. I notice people's eyes first
87. Then their clothes
88. Then hair
89. I spray painted a car camouflage on a date in high school
90. Most of my favorite friends are years older than me
91. My best girl friend is younger than me
92. I think it would be amazing to be a gourmet chef
93. I enjoy trying uncommon food
94. I'm not a very big steak fan
95. I really like fry sauce
96. I will eat WAY more than is necessary if I have something to dip it in
97. I like how eating healthy makes me feel
98. I don't like how expensive eating healthy is
99. I am not photogenic
100. I enjoying finding the perfect gift
aaaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!WOW!!!! THAT SURE DIDN'T TAKE LONG!! ;) you've gotta come by sometime...
He he he
Honest answer now, were all of us pregnant at the same time? or are you breaking with your "tradition" and telling early? I am so happy for you guys! Congrats! (And you are going to do the triathalon while pregnant?! ...seriously, I think you are just trying to make the rest of us look bad here.)
That is so exciting! I want to know your due date! That makes 8 new little Madsen additions in 2008/09. Unbelieveable. You have a remarkable and beautiful family. All we have to do is look on Bianca's photography blog to see it for ourselves. Great pictures. I can't wait to see how the one's she did of us turn out.
Aunt Kim
Chrissy - I am breaking with tradition and telling everyone early. But yes, we were all pregnant at the same time for about a week.
Kim - My due date is March 9th. Bianca did take some great pictures. Now I just have to decided which ones I want!
Congratulations!!!!! I love all the fun things about you! I have to say that even though it has been a long time I look up to you. You're awesome!!! Good luck on your training for the Triathlon. I have done one before and LOVED it! Well, loved that I did it anyway. (the one I did was a mini tri so don't be too impressed :)
Em-that is so wonderful. You are quite a woman. I hope to see you and your family on Aug 16!
That was fun to read, most of the stuff I knew, but others were a fun to learn about you! I, too, am a Design Star junkie! I couldn't vote though because I like both of them for different reasons...
Congratulations!!! That is exciting. I love reading 100 things about people. I think bloggers need to do it like 4 times a year because it is so fun.
Congrats for sure!!!
Congrats Emilie!! That is very exciting!
Congratulations!! I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. One of the first things I learned about you was that you don't get epidurals with your kids. First off, I've never understood why people do that to themselves and 2nd why they do it multiple times. That shows what a determined person you are. Good luck doing it one last time! YEAH!
congrats on baby #4. How exciting! fun to learn more about you. you are amazing!
Congratulations!! That is so awesome. I can't believe you. You are super woman!! So many new babies.. that's really exciting.
Hey - I can't remember the name of the signing helps you use. Was it signing time? I was just looking to order some and wanted to get the ones that you had recommended. Thanks!
Congrats again!!
It is Signing Time. I highly recommend them to anyone interested in learning Sign....or are interested in their children not moving for a whole 30 minutes!
Congrats!! You are one brave woman! ;)
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