On December 5 we had my mom's Christmas party. I thought it turned out great and I know the kids had fun.
We had everyone there but the Lawson bunch, and they were very missed.

We did the Christmas nativity stickers,had a talent show, opened presents, the kids got cute books with their names in them, ate WAY too much food (ok maybe only I did) and had a wonderful time.
December 7 Karaia had a choir concert to kick off the lighting of the local park. She was darling as usual.
(here are the boys waiting for the concert to start)

(Karaia, freeze and singing her little rear end off)

(Karaia, freeze and singing her little rear end off)

December 9 is my birthday. Grandma Candace took Karaia to the Governor's Christmas party.

December, um, something...can't remember and I didn't write it on the calendar Karaia had a school program. This is her teacher, Mrs. Pickett. She is the best. teacher. ever!

December 17 Beckham had his pre-school program and he rocked it!

December 18 is Karaia's birthday. Karaia also had a choir concert. Later that night we had my step-mom's extended family Christmas party and this year Santa showed up and I forgot my camera!
December 19 we had Karaia's family party.
December 24 Grandma Janice's party. This year only Kevin and the older kids were able to go because Sanders had some kind of flu. But I did manage to finish sewing their Christmas pj's

December 25 Christmas!

We opened presents at our house. Karaia got an American Girl look a-like doll she named Kristin.

Beckham got a digital camera and has now informed us he is a real photographer, (He was so busy taking pictures he never sat still enough for me to get one of him) Tennyson got a big wooden train set,

and Sanders got a Fisher price Little people garage.

Next we headed for Grandma Candace's house, had lots of fun, went to visit Grandpa Frank in the hospital, and in the evening spent some time at my dad's house. Whew!
We were gone from 9:00 am until about 9:30 pm. A busy but fun day.
December 26 is Kevin's birthday day. We had a game night with some of our friends.
December 29 is Danica's birthday. We headed to Boondocks for bowling and video games.
And the rest of December we just try and recuperate from all of our fun!
Way to go on naming your beautiful doll, Kristin, Karaia!!! That is my full name. And you even spelled it like I do!! Happy birthday cute girl!! You are beautiful and growing up so fast....Love you
Kris (Kristin Snow)
Sounds as full as our season... do you find it hard to wind down when it's all over? Kinda weird, but I do. I'm like a kid with a sugar high I guess...
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