Beckham woke up in the middle of the night. As I was tucking him back in bed he got chatty."Mom? What is Heavenly Father's last name?""Um..I'm not sure that He has one. You'll have to ask Him when you see Him.""When I go to Heaven?""Yes.""I think it's Mossby.""Oh...OK then. Goodnight"And as I'm walking out the door trying to stifle my impending laughter I can hear Beckham saying to himself, "I think when I ask Him He's goin' say,"Why yes, my last name is Mossby.""So now you know.
I know being a mom is the most important thing in the world, but tonight I wish I had more creative outlets. Play dough and coloring books aren't filling the need. Secretly, I wish I were Oprah. How amazing would that be to be able to change and help, in HUGE ways, anyone you desire!
The catch is, right now my kids are small. I know other women can do both, but for me, I know I am a better mom if I limit the number of "projects" I have going. This I know. And right now, my kids come first. Still.......tonight I long to be creative and inspirational to someone older than 5.